How To Start Advertising On Google Ads?
Google Ads is currently the market-leading platform for investing in ads and paid media within a Digital Marketing strategy – in addition to being the internet giant’s primary source of revenue. Google’s ad tool stands out for its ease and allows small, medium, and large companies to use it.
In this scenario, the expansion of digital marketing has helped those who are starting to advertise their products on the internet and those who are already undertaking online, making their tools increasingly useful. And one of the best ways to achieve success online is advertising.
Google Ads allows you to have more control over budget and result measurements. Thus, it is easier to develop campaigns that will bring an even better result for your business. To help you get started advertising on Google, in this post, we’ve gathered vital information about formats, plus a simple tutorial for you to create your first campaign. Come on?
What Are Google Ads?
Previously called Google AdWords, Ads is Google’s advertising tool. It is one of the platforms that generate the most favorable results in digital marketing campaigns. Through Google Ads, ads can be displayed when a user performs a search, whether on mobile phones, tablets, or computers.
In this way, ads are linked to keywords and appear in search results at the search time.
The tool has a great proposal, as nothing is more efficient than delivering an important advertisement to people who are currently researching services and products that your company promotes. But it’s not just that.
Within Ads, you can find different types of ads, in addition to the most used on the search network. In this way, they can be shown in videos and banners in a space dedicated to Google’s partner sites. Among them, YouTube, which is considered the second largest search engine in the world.
To give you an idea, in 2019, Google Ads generated more than 134 billion dollars, representing 70.9% of the company’s total revenue in the same year. With this high yield, the importance of advertising on Google Ads and being present where users perform most of their searches became clear.
That way, you can understand which actions are going well and which settings need to be changed from the metrics. With Google Ads, instantly discover what can be changed or even redone within a campaign. This gives you the alternative of directing your investment to other traffic measures that deliver more precise results according to your business goals.